Saturday, December 22, 2007


Just got to the office after spending my a.m. at the Sat a.m. AA meeting at the jail. What an amazing meeting. I come away from those meetings with such gratitude. Listening to these women from every walk of life fight this disease, absolutely blows me away. My higher power show me exactly what I need to see so long as I continue to stay teachable.

Today's meeting was small, in comparrison to other meetings at the jail. Only 6 women out of 20 elected to come to the room. Talked about resentments.... and 4th steps... I was reminded of my first 4th step and my 110% willingness to do it when I heard the fear from the room about 4th steps. Thank God, the willingness was there for me. I am grateful and blessed.

Holiday party tonight with my Monday night AA mtg group. A bunch of young guys staying sober and my partner and I are 3 of th 4 women who attend the meeting. I love listening to these guys. Such hope and stregnth. Not to mention - complete dorky boys loving life! I love them all.

Until tomorrow.

Love and peace

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