Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's been a long time since I have been to my blog. I was sorta stuck, trying to think of what to write, and so on and on. Gee, perhaps my perfectionism might have been creeping in.
I have been reading One Sober Alcoholic for and Higher Powered blogs for months now and have it automatically feeding to my blackberry.

I will be celebrating 2 years of continuous sobriety next Saturday. I have been very blessed by the program of AA, and my relationship with my higher power.
Thursday I am to speak at a Women's meeting and Saturday at a local club. The last time I spoke was over a year ago, and wow, a lot has changed since then. Then I knew what I wanted to talk about, I "had" something to say. I was so eager to say everything. Today is different. I have no idea, and I know my HP will simply put the words to me.

I started my messed up thinking when I was very young. I can remember going to preschool feeling like I would never fit in and cried and cried and cried when my mother left me there. I didnt think i looked right, I thought i smelled, the kids made fun of me and I just wanted out! I had learned even from a very young age, to lie, cheat, steal, and do anything to NOT be in the present moment. Growing up it was too painful so I lived inside my head. By the time I started drinking, I was 14 years old hanging out with a group a uppperclassmen and drinking nearly every weekend I could. I loved alcohol, I loved what it did for me and I especially loved to party. I thought I was being a normal teenager, and it never dawned on me that I was going down a very long road of insanity at the time. What I did know is that I was someone else when I was drinking and I loved that.

Flash forward year and years of drunks, and what I thought was normal behavior. - Having a Crohns disease and manipulating every doctor I could and not even knowing it wasn't a good thing... Doctor had me on steroids, remicaid, pain killers, other meds and I would push it to the very limit ever single time. I'd ask, can I have one drink on New Years, translation, can I drink as much as I want to... and yes, I did. I had that one and another one and another one. I won't go into my manipulation of drugs but will mention - my fierce fear of flying and I job which required me to fly and thus I had ample supply to any anti-anxiety medication I needed only to be used as a further tool to help me drink into complete oblivion. I used whatever I could to get out of me. The entire time, thinking I was not an alcoholic - I wasn't on the floor drunk every night. I wasn't in the gutter, I wasn't drunk at work and every other self delusional think I could think of. I was going through a divorce, had a 4 year old daughter, began dating women, starting using anything I could to NOT be that suburban house wife which I was. I even owned a business - ah yes the true mark of success in my mind. I was a train wreck... and only getting worse.

I was killing myself. 10 years of that 10 years of the disease sneaking up on me, out to kill me and destroy every single thing in my path.

I met a sober member of Alcohlic's playing softball. She was and is still amazing. We began to date and I was to the point in my drinking where I knew I had to hide it as much as I could. Needless to say the relationship quickly ended and I continued on my way to rip out any part of my being which required me to be in the present day.
I joined Alanon because I couldn't believe how selfish this Alcoholic was and besides my father and brother both have alcoholic tendencies ( I'll let them decide if they are an alcoholic or not. ) So I used this as my excuse. I was NEVER going to go to AA, 1 because I didn't drink THAT bad and 2- I had a good job, a beautiful daughter etc etc etc.

I was dying, inside, outside, emotionally, physically. My last drunk was while I was supposed to be at an Alanon training to take Alanon into the jails of the county I live in. I wasn't there, I didn't show, instead, I started my 5 day binge in downtown Chicago with my friend the Sober member of AA. It was finally out in the open, I finally just stopped hiding it from her and she saw it first hand... I would disappear for 8-10 hours to come back to the hotel room to only find her sleeping peacefully and me dying to keep on drinking. Until the next day- I was still drunk from the night before and I went out again.

I went through detox myself at my phone, I was too good for that rehab stuff. She checked on my and finally after a few days we sat down and talked about my drinking, my thinking and my life. I had been to the doctor, everything was shutting down. It had to stop. I had to admit it to myself exactly what I was. An Alcoholic...... for the first time in my life... I could finally admit it. I couldn't say the words, but I felt it in the very core of my being I was powerless over this thing. Absolutely Powerless. and my life was completely unmanageable.

Recovery post.... coming soon.


Kyle said...


Thats awesome!

Mary Christine said...

Thanks for "following" my blog. And happy belated birthday.