Friday, January 18, 2008

Ah heart troubles

Ok - so really not my heart, but Wednesday the doctors and myself thought I was having heart problems.

I have a bad thought process which believes I am a doctor on t.v and real life. When actually I am neither but yet continue to try to self diagnosis my problems. The chest pain I was experiencing was not fun, nor was it my heart. Thank goodness.

Stress plays a major role and my crohn's disease does as well. The doctors don't really know what was wrong, but my heart is in good shap, and my lungs as well.

My heart troubles me however at my home group, my friends, and my relationships with my daughter. All smack dab in the middle of this is I - Me - Yes, selfish me.

I miss my group. I miss the laughter and fun before the meeting, but I really miss the meeting itself. it has become divisive and people are no longer the family I grew to know and love.

Then I was reminded by Mary Christine's post yesterday, all we need to stay sober is to TRUST in God and Clean House. Wow... perhaps this is God's plan, and I am doing what I normally do, I fight change instead of be grateful the change is happening.

I don't know really what the whole point is. but this too shall pass.... and in the mean time, I am going to give it to my higher power to handle.

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